De Centenar intram in era populismului

Nu conteaza cati psdisti au fost la miting, daca au venit fortati sau nu la Bucuresti sau daca au inteles despre ce a fost vorba. Eu cred ca oamenii au fost toti constienti ca vin pentru PSD, si-au asumat tot ce au spus liderii partidului si ca si-au confirmat asteptarile.

Mai important este modelul PSD impus pentru viitor. Vom avea un model de populism care nu va semana cu cel din Europa Centrala, va fi un populism cu mai multe elemente de violenta. In Ungaria si Polonia populismul va pastra elemente functionale dar la noi, adevaratele decizii in forta se vor lua pe stadioane. Justitia oricum este deja un model perimat si compromis pentru actuala putere.

Cam tot ce va imaginati rau ca se poate intampla in timpul guvernarii PSD cu siguranta se va intampla si probabil mai mult de atat.

Si, da, istoria oricarui regim dictarorial incepe cu un lider care a avut o condamnare, care a fost capitalizata politic cu abilitate si transformata in avantaj electoral.

Julia Kristeva

Bulgaria Says French Thinker Was a Secret Agent. She Calls It a ‘Barefaced Lie.’ By JENNIFER SCHUESSLER and BORYANA DZHAMBAZOVA

Julia Kristeva, at 76, is one of Europe’s most decorated public intellectuals. Her more than 30 books have covered topics including linguistics, psychoanalysis, literary theory and feminism. Her many prestigious honors include the Vaclav Havel Prize, the Hannah Arendt Prize and France’s Commander of the Legion of Honor.
But now, a furor has arisen over whether it is time to add a more surprising line to her résumé: Bulgarian secret agent.
The notion surfaced on Tuesday, when the Bulgarian government commission charged with reviewing the files of the country’s notorious Communist-era secret service released a terse document alleging that the Bulgarian-born Ms. Kristeva, who has lived in France since 1966, had served in the early 1970s as an agent known by the code name “Sabina.”
The allegation was greeted with shocked disbelief by those immersed in the work of Ms. Kristeva, who is known for her staunch defense of European democratic ideals and opposition to all “totalitarianisms,” as she puts it, whether state Communism, American-style identity politics or religious fundamentalism.
The mystery only deepened on Friday, when the commission, in response to intense international interest, took the unusual step of posting online the entire dossier on Ms. Kristeva.

The hundreds of pages of documents include Ms. Kristeva’s supposed registration card as an agent of Bulgaria’s former Committee for State Security and extensive reports of alleged conversations with her handlers in Parisian cafes and restaurants between 1971 and 1973. But there is not a single intelligence-related document written or signed by her.


Sean Penn scriitor

Sean Penn’s debut novel – repellent and stupid

Back in the heady days of 2015, it was thought that singer and eternal tester of patience Morrissey had taken the bad celebrity novel to the limit in List of the Lost, when his “bulbous salutation” simultaneously put everyone off both books and sex. But now Morrissey’s debut – a novel in which people didn’t just say things, they “topspin” them (“‘I have erotic curiosities,’ topspins Ezra”) – has a healthy challenger for the most mocked novel by a sleb. Sean Penn’s Bob Honey Who Just Do Stuff is a book in which people don’t just have vim or vigour, they have “spizzerinctum to spare”.
Early and bad reviews of Penn’s debut novel ahead of its April release have prompted a lot of joy online. “Bob Honey is an exercise in ass-showing, a 160-page self-own,” was the Huffington Post’s verdict, while a new game, “Vagina bingo” was coined by one Twitter user to mark Penn’s multitudinous references to vulvas (always “magical” and “glistening”, on often “nymphomaniac” and “whoreish” women).
So Penn’s novel is repellent on one level, but stupid on so many others. It follows Bob as he Just Do Stuff, often without much reason: he variously sells septic tanks, rigs explosives and kills American pensioners with a mallet, purportedly to offset their large carbon footprint. He daydreams about a hairless woman called Annie, whose alopecia is no barrier to their sexual escapades. (“Never one for psychosexual infantilism or paedophilic fantasy, after their sex he said, ‘Good vagina. Maybe more Vietnam.’”) At one point he sets fire to a dildo in the desert, due to “an assault of animism”, which makes just as much sense as anything else in the book.

Cum merge guvernarea ?

Daca luam in calcul ultima sceneta, cea cu descentralizarea, guvernarea merge prost.

Dragnea: Aproape toți miniștrii se opun descentralizării. Am rugat premierul să convoace o întâlnire pentru a lămuri atitudinea lor. via hotnews Vezi stirea aici.

Este greu de stabilit ce e mai periculos in aceasta situatie ? Faptul ca proaspetii ministrii deja au o problema de autoritate in ministere ? Ca PSD, atunci când a adoptat capitolul de descentralizare din programul de guvernare, nu stia ce si cum sa gestioneze in procesul de descentralizare ? Poate este ingrijorator ca Premierul Dancila nu este in stare, nu are autoritatea de a lua decizii si de a tine piept unor argumente prezentate de ministrii refractari ?

Eu cred ca PSD are un program de descentralizare care a fost intocmit neprofesionist, in care Liviu Dragnea si-a varsat toate frustrarile ca fost ministru al dezvoltarii regionale care a esuat in a lansa descentralizarea.